Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Does Icecream Soothe Heartburn

TARSU bills: the citizen Campbell does not understand ... ...

The TARSU bills received in recent days have triggered a hornet's nest in the city.

I do not want to join in the "critical regardless " I have a desire to understand and analyze the problem "by the citizen," as always in the style of IDV.

According to you, the citizen Capuano which for years has been trained and guided by the hand to make the collection today, what can think of? especially after his Chief Councillor congratulated him and at the same time, it was autoincensato for " excellent results of the diversified ?

The citizen might ask: if the results were excellent? I have worked as though you asked me, my director, because now I increases the rate of 20% ?

But the director, who knows more than a hell, the answer has already described as "the the fault is not mine, there is an Act of the State, 26/2010, which leads the management of the collection and disposal in the Province and that part of has to do with this extra charge that comes from the Province .

All this would seem to have a logic, even if by Pontius Pilate? But NO!

Here too, the citizen Capuano, but only the most careful, you might not understand.

I try to make things clear: the Law 26/2010, in the name which last August was deposed from his role as Mayor of Camigliano friend Vincenzo Cennamo, SI provides the above, namely that the collection and disposal are (dangerously) in a single centralized provincial administration, but implementation of the same Act was extended, because the province was not ready by January 1, 2011 January 1, 2012. Reason why the Mayor of Camigliano has in place an appeal to the Administrative Court against his dismissal.

mean the start of the Act was extended, but the additional gabelle against the city NO.

All expect that the Chief Assessor feels the need to clarify. Meanwhile, our city CERTAIN that "different" ... but to keep the record for having the waste tax among the highest in Italy !


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