Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Navy E.o.d Injury Statistics

News from China - News in Chinese

for the first time I came to China two years ago, landing in Shanghai. And, with bad weather (overcast =) that made me want to skip the first two hours of lessons, ie grammar, I'll spare you the living conditions of the post (or this) laowai in China and inaugurate a new rubrichetta. .. surely that last half point, however, in short, as long as vegetables is better than a kick in the shins, no? The book is dedicated to the translation of the news coming on my phone, twice a day, consider it una vendetta per un servizio mai richiesto. eh eh. Suddetta rubrica è offerta gentilmente dal sottoscritto che eserciterà un pochino il suo pessimo cinese con il contributo di sua maestà wenlin. Prendete l'analisi ei commenti col beneficio del dubbio, potrei scrivere un mucchio di fesserie. Ed ora veniamo a noi ...

14 Aprile, 8:24
first nuclear security summit concluded, the U.S. and Russia signed an agreement reducing weapons-grade plutonium, China abides by the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, undertake unconditionally not to non-nuclear-weapon states for use or threat of use of nuclear weapons

It was concluded the first meeting on nuclear safety, the United States and Russia signed an agreement on the reduction of weapons plutonium, China undertakes not to take their own initiative strategies to use nuclear weapons and accept unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against nations or regions do not possess such weapons.

Points of interest regardless of the news of little interest
峰会 The word I'd lost, but in fact the top + = summit meeting, as well as ignorant 签署, the two-syllable version of 签, sign.署 at first glance, but also a second, I got it for 暑 (heat, heat famous 暑假: summer vacation), they also have the aggravating circumstance of being homophones.
mangy Time of day: 武器 级 钚. Apart from the character that indicates 钚 plutonium and I challenge anyone to find family, the expression seems to translate into English with weapons-grade plutonium, as this is not a translation paid (and sometimes not even paid the translations are charged ... but this is another story) I do not look worth the equivalent in Italian, confident that no further weapons plutonium will meet with great frequency.
That's it for this first appointment, good day!


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