Wednesday, March 11, 2009

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Save files in their format with Python

I'm writing my program and I want to save what I do and then you can pick up where I left off. How it works? Search the Web and find various guides concerning the serialization of objects that you want to save to turn them into byte ... What does this mean? I barely understand. Python is very powerful because it does almost everything himself, but the speech is very complicated. In practice there is a package, the Pikler, which takes the objects you and saves them to a file. But be careful because it does not save everything. For more information, here's the link. At this point the roads open is different:
  1. You save the list of operations performed and then repeated, fairly easy to write, but not very efficient when you reopen the file. You use the
  2. Pickler and you do not save everything, but only what you can save, harder to write, but more efficient to reopening the file.
  3. trying to optimize the functions so you can then reopen everything in a simple, very complicated to write, and much more efficient than previous.
Anything else? I wrote the nonsense? Can you help? I am open to your comments / advice.


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