Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sterno Fuel For Smores Maker

TARSU on ... ...

"The City did not blame on the Tarsu, even with all the tools at its disposal, has not fought for this to happen. The mutual trust that binds us compels me to inform you that anyone who tries to argue the opposite, shows off the public of a serious and profound ignorance. " So begins the Councillor for the Environment on Block Notes of February 28, 2011
indoctrinated After thinking about the contents of the Law 26/2010 on the two distinct costs, the provincial disposal and another, the responsibility for municipal waste collection service, the 'Councillor concludes that "the jurisdiction of municipal services has not increased a single cent! " This statement shows instead an act of cunning Accounting - administrative, where acts of cunning are neither admitted nor admissible since they help to lighten the pockets of taxpayers. 's like saying: " also insult to injury!
Going down to the detail of the amounts of the Notice of payment kindly TARSU that citizens have received a few days, are to be added to the tax calculated No 2 (two) imposts: the former ECA additional 10% and 5% Tribute Prov.le
The first is the contribution of the burden on municipal taxes, while the second will be donated to the Province of Caserta to deal with functions administrative provisions relating to environmental protection. The existing law provides for the latter charge, a application in varying degrees from 1 to 5%, but the Province collecting a maximum of 5%.

The additional ex Eca is instead set and collected by the City the rate of 10%, not more roles, but for direct collection, that the qualified entity shall levy the TARSU no more Dealer by IAP. but through direct collection

To better illuminate the Nationals will return art. 11 paragraph 5 bis of Law 26/2010 that literally reads "the municipalities determine, based on separate charges (collection and disposal of waste), the amounts owed by taxpayers to cover the full (100%) of costs resulting from the overall cycle of waste management. "

It follows that the Authority is required to determine the rates of Tarsu so as to ensure that the revenue on should be used only for the costs of service, without the ' excise tax under ECA, NOT can be used to cover the costs of service , as required by Article . 61, paragraph 1, Leg. No 507/93!

authoritative doctrine argues that the loss of exclusivity of the role for the TARSU implies the inapplicability of additionality ex ECA, and consequently the loss of that amount, due to paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Law No. 549/1995, was given directly to the City by the Grantee of recovery.

Unfortunately, the additional 10% ex ECA is still in our Common set and collected, despite the collection of TARSU not happen again but for direct collection by Role, causing one part of a tightening TARSU borne by the taxpayers
(other than penny!) and other over-tax revenue is intended to settle the debts of the municipal coffers exhausted!

In summary THE COLLECTION OF 'ADDITIONAL 10% OF EX ECA ALLOW THE CITY TO SET ASIDE with the law, seeking to achieve full coverage OF 100% OF TAX COSTS BY LAW, FOR FOOD hidden costs - unjustified and unjustifiable !!!!!


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