By 31 December this year all companies, regardless of how many employees had to make an appropriate assessment, intervention planning and information about the risks from work-related stress, as required by the new Legislative Decree 81/08. The documentation must be attached to the DVR (Risk Assessment Document) company.
The due date indicates the period within which proceedings must have been initiated and a recent note from the Ministry of Labour, stated that there are no further extensions. The company
F & F puts its expertise to those companies who still had not been adequate to bring them to a complete fulfillment of the obligations without in any way interfere with the smooth production process.
The employer, in this way will be totally relieved from the burden of a cumbersome and onerous bureaucratic path. The
F & F working in consulting and training company, offers training courses set on the basis of a simple and undeniable fact: every human resource is first and foremost "a man" .
why human relations are the basis of training proposals designed to facilitate communication in the workplace.
knowing that the relationship dynamics may prove to be insurmountable rocks can significantly affect your bottom line, proposals such as: conflict management, analysis of groups and subgroups, communication rules, the head of the group, management failure , stress management, anxiety management, team building and especially training, can be a very useful tool that can dramatically reshape the potential of individuals and, consequently, organizations, managements that F F & entrusts to the study associate professor of psychology specializing in work-related stress.
Working on 'Man is therefore a necessary starting point to address the impact of a complex period like the present to renew men to renew the company.
What many companies do not know is that today the business education is not a cost but an investment. Training programs are in fact fully deductible in the tax year in which they are carried out.
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