Thursday, March 17, 2011

Does Any Body Was Diognose Wth Adenocarcinoma?

... 150th anniversary ...

Today is an important day, the day which marks the 150th anniversary of national unity .
an anniversary that should awaken in us the pride of being Italian , an anniversary for us of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b has a meaning even more valuable as aware as we are, the efforts we made, and that we do, to defend our Constitution and our Nation.

Thanks to you, thanks to all of us, thanks to IDV, the Italians are still awake.
"stringiam'ci a cohort ..." We are ready to a new life!

a life that guarantees all citizens equal in dignity and rights, guided by a policy focused on their needs.

we at IDV, united and more determined, we will affirm the values \u200b\u200bwe believe in and, thanks to the referendum we promote, maintain:

- a healthy environment. ... stopping the evil return to nuclear power!

- a social equity .... preventing the privatization of water!

- equal justice for all ... deleting the legitimate impediment!

good commitment and above all ITALY GOOD!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sterno Fuel For Smores Maker

TARSU on ... ...

"The City did not blame on the Tarsu, even with all the tools at its disposal, has not fought for this to happen. The mutual trust that binds us compels me to inform you that anyone who tries to argue the opposite, shows off the public of a serious and profound ignorance. " So begins the Councillor for the Environment on Block Notes of February 28, 2011
indoctrinated After thinking about the contents of the Law 26/2010 on the two distinct costs, the provincial disposal and another, the responsibility for municipal waste collection service, the 'Councillor concludes that "the jurisdiction of municipal services has not increased a single cent! " This statement shows instead an act of cunning Accounting - administrative, where acts of cunning are neither admitted nor admissible since they help to lighten the pockets of taxpayers. 's like saying: " also insult to injury!
Going down to the detail of the amounts of the Notice of payment kindly TARSU that citizens have received a few days, are to be added to the tax calculated No 2 (two) imposts: the former ECA additional 10% and 5% Tribute Prov.le
The first is the contribution of the burden on municipal taxes, while the second will be donated to the Province of Caserta to deal with functions administrative provisions relating to environmental protection. The existing law provides for the latter charge, a application in varying degrees from 1 to 5%, but the Province collecting a maximum of 5%.

The additional ex Eca is instead set and collected by the City the rate of 10%, not more roles, but for direct collection, that the qualified entity shall levy the TARSU no more Dealer by IAP. but through direct collection

To better illuminate the Nationals will return art. 11 paragraph 5 bis of Law 26/2010 that literally reads "the municipalities determine, based on separate charges (collection and disposal of waste), the amounts owed by taxpayers to cover the full (100%) of costs resulting from the overall cycle of waste management. "

It follows that the Authority is required to determine the rates of Tarsu so as to ensure that the revenue on should be used only for the costs of service, without the ' excise tax under ECA, NOT can be used to cover the costs of service , as required by Article . 61, paragraph 1, Leg. No 507/93!

authoritative doctrine argues that the loss of exclusivity of the role for the TARSU implies the inapplicability of additionality ex ECA, and consequently the loss of that amount, due to paragraph 3 of Article 30 of Law No. 549/1995, was given directly to the City by the Grantee of recovery.

Unfortunately, the additional 10% ex ECA is still in our Common set and collected, despite the collection of TARSU not happen again but for direct collection by Role, causing one part of a tightening TARSU borne by the taxpayers
(other than penny!) and other over-tax revenue is intended to settle the debts of the municipal coffers exhausted!

In summary THE COLLECTION OF 'ADDITIONAL 10% OF EX ECA ALLOW THE CITY TO SET ASIDE with the law, seeking to achieve full coverage OF 100% OF TAX COSTS BY LAW, FOR FOOD hidden costs - unjustified and unjustifiable !!!!!

Want To Play With My Cock?

... our commitment to the city ... Commentary

Italy of Values \u200b\u200bwill be present at Elections for the renewal of the administrative team town with its symbol and its list. Dr. Mario Paternuosto is a candidate for mayor in Italy of Values \u200b\u200band the Civic List "Free Capua," reformist political movement.

Part of establishing lists IDV citizens of Capua who decided to commit their energies to the replacement of a Council Hall has done very little and bad for the city over the past five years.

IDV participate in the election compared to shake the "dead sea" of the politicians by trade, with the basic objective of replacing politicians with local people not accustomed to compromises and the little matter of humiliating bickering day so far emerged to a chair or on a more personal benefit.

must be clear to voters that Italy of Values, in any case, a party that is first nationally and then locally, not joins the political spectrum who perform folkloric bunga bunga considering that exercise and does not approve the purchase of consciences or any other part of the body that contributes to the integrity of the people of honor.

The priorities which the Club has been assigned IDV related to the problems that plague our city, which is now at historic lows of living and future prospects for young people.
This is the result of five years of directors who "shine" for an exaggerated activism but, alas, even for an equally extreme lack of transparency in its work.

On the contrary, all the projects that IDV is proposed for the city of Capua and its territory as they requirements:

- ; a non-negotiable impartiality, because all citizens have equal rights and duties ;

- a non-negotiable transparency (if you really work for the common good and for the good of the city there is no reason not to make public its actions).

why we're aggregating all the healthy forces and "free" of city, promote a political agenda in conditions of transparency, legality 'and democracy, shared only with those who truly believe a real change in policy Capua, especially mortified ; from the disposal of the hospital and the salt TARSU and unfair.

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Fieramosca No.4

continues direct line that IDV has established with the citizens of Capua by the release of weekly bulletins, targati Fieramosca on topical issues.
The "Fieramosca n.4" this week has a double-sided format.

The first, entitled " Our commitment to the city " explains the concepts that underlie the work of IDV. The priorities which the Club has been assigned to the related problems facing our city, which is now at historic lows of living and future prospects for young people. This is the result of five years of directors who "shine" for an exaggerated activism but, alas, for the absence of an equally extreme transparency in its work. On the contrary, all the projects proposed IDV for the city of Capua and its territory as they met: a non-negotiable fairness, this is because all citizens have equal rights and duties , a non-negotiable transparency this because if you really work for the common good and for the good of the city there is no reason not to make public its actions.

The second side of the bulletin this week is dedicated to TARSU. As promised a week ago, completed analysis of our working group will publish the results. Refer for details to the full text is published on the website of IDV-Capua at: .
In short, it is not true that state, with the usual triumphant tone but empty of content, our administrators when they say "The City did not blame on the TARSU, even with all the tools in his possession, he fought for this to not happen. The mutual trust that binds us compels me to inform you that anyone who tries to argue the opposite, shows off the public of a serious and profound ignorance " . And then " municipal service responsibility has not increased a single cent! " This statement represents an act of cunning Accounting - administrative and like all acts of cunning, are not allowed when you put your hands in the pockets of taxpayers.

's like saying: " also insult to injury! " .

down, in fact, the detail of amounts of 'good-natured notice of payment TARSU that citizens have received, are to be added to the tax calculated No 2 (two) imposts: the additional ex-ECA 10% and 5% Provincial Tribute.

The additional ex-ECA is imposed and collected by our City at 10%, not more roles, but for direct collection, which is the body proceeding is entitled to levy the TARSU, not through the dealer but IAP by direct collection. The effect of Article 30 paragraph 3 of Law No. 549/1995, the loss of exclusivity of the role for the TARSU involves the inapplicability of additionality ex-ECA and consequently the loss of this amount was attributed directly to the City by the Grantee of recovery. Unfortunately, the additional 10% ex-ECA is still imposed and collected in our municipality, despite the collection of Role for TARSU not happen again, but for direct collection, resulting in one part of a tightening TARSU borne by the taxpayers, (other than penny!) and the other a sovragettito in the Assessor should explain their use.

But there's more: the amount the City collects, unlike the case for the provincial Tribute, have no place in the 2011 Budget . Therefore, the failure to indicate the amount paid to effect the collection of additionality, it allows one side to the city to circumvent the legislative provision, to achieve full coverage of 100% of costs provided by law, and the other to the Mayor and Administration cover all the hidden costs to explain.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grow Marijuana Light Panasonic


Presentation of the Project for Music Nati
Saturday, March 19, 2011, 17:00
at the headquarters of the Provincial Library of Cagliari
Parco di Monte Claro, Cadell Street

L 'Associazione Culturale Paediatricians (ACP) seeks to promote births for Music in Sardinia and calls for the collaboration of all the musical structures in the area, as the Conservatives and the Civic School of Music, Orchestras, choirs, music groups, so that can make available their technical-scientific and encourage the involvement of educational and cultural realities operating in the territory in order to create a network of support for the project.
The meeting to present the project will take place at the premises provided by ' Italian Library Association and the Provincial Library of Cagliari , active partners of the project.
will be present Dr. Stefano Gorini , referring to the ACP of the national project.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kidney Stones Vomiting And Diarrhea

Marcianise: Paternuosto resigns, takes over on Riccio

This morning, the dr. Mario Paternuosto has resigned Marcianise resignation as city councilor.

took his place in the Council Ing. Joseph Riccio, former deputy commissioner of the Administration and prolific author on the list of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the last elections and among the top non-elected to the Provincial Council.

Dr. Paternuosto said
" I wanted to stay, my relationship with the people of Marcianise is and always will be very strong. Every now and in years to come, I will give testimony. In this city, I spent all my youth, but are very sad, having to take my signs elsewhere. "

The dr. Paternuosto fact take the field to the next administration in the city of Capua driving Italy of Values \u200b\u200band civic list "Capua Freedom."

L ' ing. Joseph Riccio thanking, on behalf of IDV, dr. Paternuosto for the work and commitment to Marcianise and ensuring full support for the new challenge that is going to deal with He added:
"I hope to bring lymph stimulation and experience to the City Council in the belief that we can address the many social emergencies that afflict the city and provide appropriate responses to a community with so much maturity and patience waiting for the resolution . "

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Where Does Kristal Summer Live


The latest statements on the Environment Councillor TARSU confounded. Among its truth, the Assessor is aimed at those who disagree with the tax increases on a peremptory " anyone who tries to argue to the contrary, it makes the public display of a serious and profound ignorance .
Because, like many fellow citizens, do not feel badly, nor profoundly ignorant We are preparing a detailed reply on the matter. How to advance: after having indoctrinated on the contents of the Law 26/2010 and two separate costs: the provincial and the other for the disposal of municipal responsibility for the waste collection service, the Assessor concludes that " the jurisdiction of the municipal service is not increased by a single cent. "
This statement is not true.
it down on the detail of the amount of the payment of TARSU, that citizens have received in recent weeks, there is no calculated tax to be added. 2 (two) imposts: the additional ex-ECA (10%) and the Provincial Tribute (5%) .
When the Assessor TARSU proclaims that in the next three years will fall by about 70% would love to ask: under what assessments makes this statement? As for the TARSU 2010 has greatly downloaded all the blame on the Province of the increase, we are confident that the alibi for the next three years is ready.
We note that (for ignorance? ) Assessor failed to consider that the Law 26/2010, the same that he cites to justify the increase this year, from January 1, 2012 provides that both the collection disposal, that the determination of the tax will be borne by the provincial private companies.
How does a director to do so today this "miracle" promised ? Hoping perhaps in the rapid start-up in the next three years of "phantom" gasifier Icelandic ? for which a contractor "beneffatore" has already offered (free?) Administration of Capua a trip to Iceland education, a prerequisite for the plot of some kind of new very private interests?
It is natural to refer to the various consortia Geoeco, Ce4 etc.., wagons that have just squandered public money, doing the political fortunes of characters who represent us in Parliament today ancorpiù staining the image of us as citizens of our region of Campania and the eyes of the world.
In closing, I remember that months ago the Deputy Mayor closed his political manifesto with a "God Bless Our City ", now would it be correct that in the near future" God save us from these directors !

Herpes On Forehead Images

Interview Caserta Focus ...

QUESTION: The IDV has chosen its candidate for mayor . It 'a downward spiral? and what possibilities there are for the restructuring of the coalition in the wake of provincial meetings?

IDV: I state that the constitution of the Circle of IDV Capua is a project that seeks out and fits into the wider renewal of cadres from the party started in our area in recent months. The election date of May is only a first for us and important test for a job that will take place later in the coming years. On the issue of candidacy for mayor back, urged by his question, almost reluctantly. First, because we have repeatedly stated and restated, both in the press is a national manifesto, our position: the candidacy of Dr. . Paternuosto , we propose to the voters, is a candidate in the weight is politically and in terms social, as Dr. Paternuosto a respected professional, leader and Head Department of Gastroenterology, as well as city councilor in the town of IDV Marcianise . And also because, and here I speak as a citizen of Capua, I think it a priority to speak to the problems faced by the city and propose a new approach: a way that makes his style as the seriousness and transparency, putting the wealth common to every other party interests. On the provincial meetings, which she calls, I can say that as a Circle of Capua are in constant contact with our Provincial Coordination, which we have spoken to them of the meetings of "inter-party province" that were held in recent weeks, and as these meetings are never disclosed anything to a different location.

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QUESTION: Can you give an opinion outgoing administration?
IDV: The decision on the administration incumbent can not be positive, from all points of view. Without wishing to exploit the problems, I think it is sufficient to analyze some of the results to understand that the triumphalist tone of the Mayor or outgoing should be shrunk dramatically. In its latest statement, "end office", in line with our Prime Minister has always said to be the best Prime Minister for 150 years, the Mayor said that quote in our city " all this, in the last 100 years together in five years, had never been done . Certainly, no one questions the hyperactivity of this administration, doubts (and high) rise but when you go to see the sights. It is not clear, in fact, as you think you have made the interest of the city with the new parking plan. Judge the results: the parking esplanade Olivares, Faculty of Economics, is open until 19:30 and is closed on Saturdays and Sundays, does not contain any form of relief for residents and thirty years the company has an expectation private who built it. Mind you, because this is crucial, not works the administration realizes that it be pride, but that the private financing and then keeps them in management for decades. In technical terms, this is called " Project Financing "In practical terms, if the administrator does not call for specific posts, already under competitive tender, this is called" damage to the city . In recent months I have repeatedly asked for evidence, and received no answer, on which fees will be applied to the car park of Piazza Umberto to know if and what types of subscription will be provided for residents. The fear that will double the "damage" to pave Olivares increases when one considers that, when discussing the new parking lot, our administrators spend only praise for the helmet to be built multimedia Fieramosca on the square, as info-points of the city. My opinion: if I make a parking lot for the city I have to notify immediately the number of seats, opening hours, fees and subscriptions. Everything else, including works of art media, it becomes just smoke and mirrors. And here come the lack of transparency, which was the main requirement that has characterized the actions of this administration. Another example? Here it is: today, a few months after opening the playground Via Napoli, the assessor in office, continues to declare that the work, which he strongly desired, is "wonderful and free." Too bad that the notice issued by the City contains precisely, and these are the posts I referred to earlier, the number of rides and the maximum price to be applied by the operator, in this case twenty years. Unfortunately for him, is the same Councillor to disavow himself when, by posting the notice to schools to name the park, called for children winners, a number of free tickets for rides! The examples could go on. I do not dwell on today recycling declared "miraculous", with a self to be a virtuous community and then impose a TARSU that increases by 20%, I do not dwell on the budget of the City, worthy of serious study of assessment before " shoot electoral numbers, " but on this occasion will not come back for the necessary completeness. Proper management should ensure transparency to the citizens, what I would say is that we are tired of hearing that administrators " solve problems " ... our action in the coming years, administrators will tend to want that, unlike , does not "create problems !

QUESTION: Instead, a case on appeal?
IDV: It would be too easy, perhaps too easy, but unfair and ungenerous to those who have managed to find all the faults in a city that today is at its lows of living and prospects for the future of young people. If those who administer is committed to operate with transparency for the Common Good, who is the opposition has the specific task of realizing it. All this, in my opinion, over the past five years, was not the case with the necessary force and conviction. Too often the opposition has been listless . If I know I'm in the minority, I know that my vote has only a negative effect on the formal vote, what is needed instead is echoing throughout the city and a decision its consequences. This unfortunately is not. I have two examples: as a minority had been to establish a useful " Commission for the Protection, Warranty and Transparency . Well, you know how often this committee has met in five years? Only twice: first to confirm its components, the second to define its objectives. Then, apparently frightened by the aims, everyone has withdrawn from all the work of the committee. A second example: some will remember that at the beginning of consigliatura in 2006 for a few weeks he could not keep the City Council because there was no "separate banquet for an adviser who did not consider himself " neither right nor left . For some time the banquet is no longer needed because who else has had to sit there, and more comfortable sitting. And so it happened to other former opponents who felt more "comfortable " no objection. IDV believe in the seriousness of the political. To ensure fidelity to the commitments, IDV ask their candidates for the express assent to the Code of Ethics of the Party and the "European Code of conduct for elected local and regional" and define every precautionary measure to citizens / voters to Similar mishaps "Post-election".

QUESTION: What are the goals of the IDV of the electoral competition?
IDV: A key objective Our aim is to awaken the civic consciousness of the people and closer to politics than it keep their distance because they consider it a "dirty thing." Our city is characterized by a heated election campaign, a kind of village fair which takes place every five years. But then passed the electoral event, and they all fade into the socio-political commitments already we see burning in the city in recent months. Nothing is further from the truth. Citizens should be aware of their role, consistent over time, and understand that each of us is the "first citizen" and not just what will come out winner of the election . IDV's commitment is to always be on the side of citizens. We plan to gather around us all the healthy forces who will share this journey, which will be characterized by transparency and legality and viable in a shared with those who truly believe in a real policy change. All projects share the following IDV is proposing a non-negotiable impartiality, This is because all citizens have equal rights and obligations, transparency and non-negotiable this because if you really work for the common good and for the good of the city there is no reason not to make public its actions .

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Happend With Javtalk

on the hospital ...

The Dr. Mario Paternuosto , IDV mayoral candidate and civic list "Capua Free", it attacks the town council on key issues of environmental protection, " be attributed to the damage to those who for decades has polluted the Volturno ; goes brought to national prominence the presence of tons of toxic material in places Purgatory that will shortly become places where the stems Inferno pollute groundwater; ecoballe interest of the hill. "

Paternuosto continues by stating that" fleeting and miserable are some projects on several occasions advanced, how to bring a plant in Capua for the manufacture of iron ignoring that 20% of world production of dioxin is precisely because the manufacture of iron. E 'was also scheduled to assignment for the exploitation of the forest of San Vito that would take away the city its unique green .

Paternuosto attacking the city council on other issues such as procedures for implementing the works , the duration of the concession contracts , the continued use of consultants to and parking management .

Partenuosto concluded his attack by saying that the Mayor City Administration anthropologists to hide the sad reality that people Capuani Capua in the hospital there will be no .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Linsey Dawnplanetsuzy

the collection: letter writing

receive and publish a letter from a citizen:

sometimes I feel that our Directors do not live in Capua, but in the north Italy. I make this account because on Block Notes this month, our Alderman says he is very pleased that our "glorious" city has reached a good level of differentiation. It seems to be very flattered by the fact that everyone from children to elderly people, talk about different! I wonder if he heard but also what they say? As for me I never heard a person who spoke well. Perhaps the alderman is part of that group of people who think that talk is good when you talk about evil? if anything they talk? As for the environmental benefits, I do not see it, but I live in Capua! Never been so dirty! Then find an operator is ecologically pure luck. He knows that some of the Councillor, the majority of merchants just opened shop the first thing you should do is to sweep before their own business? I have personally witnessed more than once people who threw a bag of everything from glass to the fraction of moisture, but this is not the fault of the city, but our administrators and he knows why? I will not give it a guilt that she thinks that they do not blame her because this is not differentiated and therefore do not see why we have to take on a terrace, a closet or elsewhere, various containers in the morning then when we see operators that collect in a single collection is the fraction of wet and dry undifferentiated. The civic consciousness can not arise where there already is missing in our Directors. I can not sell for gold that is not even brass! Learn to recognize your shortcomings, your failures because this Administration has failed in all respects. The separation made the way God is quite another. Think before you brag about these results "historic." The writer is one of the few people who are differentiated according to the flyer you send us so do not take it to the justification of a national default.
Letter signed

Responds Nicholas Scalera:
Dear friend, your letter contains much food for thought and sentence. Not I dwell on the tones used, which sometimes are too restrictive and accusers, but I can buy if you are to live in a city that does not reflect reality in the triumphant proclamations of those who have managed in recent years. To keep the issue instead of waste, mark it as IDV has already pointed the finger at this theme in the bulletin Fieramosca n.2, distributed in the city two weeks ago, we ask our administrators know what is the chain (ie the path ) that reaches the separated waste by citizens. In particular, if the localities of wet and separated materials (plastic, glass, paper) are diverted to composting facilities and recycling centers. At this point we hope that you use ONLY interpellino and facilities and equipment with proven years of experience (already present on our territory) and no solution can not be improvised pre-election. And 'We believe that only a Virtuous Cycle Waste, that is complete in its entirety, and not an advertising value of separate collection, may actually diminish the TARSU. Finally we asked to know what's the chain (again the path) that makes the waste tax paid by citizens and ends in the chest of TOWN. Of course, in addition to the triumphant proclamations, we are waiting for answers and detailed series of Mayor and Alderman of the sector.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sterno Fuel For S Mores Maker

IDV in Capua Capua

The renewal of Italy of Values \u200b\u200bin the province of Caserta also passes Capua.

Over the IDV Provincial Congress in January was in fact appointed a new coordinator in the name of Dr. . Joseph Crispino , and the new Provincial Executive. One of the first acts of newly elected coordinator was to entrust the burden (and honor) the construction of the party in our city and the organization of a competitive list for the next elections.

The work is not easy but, in these few weeks, already many citizens have expressed to us their sympathy and their support. Many people are tired of the "usual" practices, broken promises to the city, and favors the "facilities" for only a few friends to the detriment of the Common Good, a policy of "just do not know it around." In these months we will hear much of the "renewal of the current logic, but then what? in practice? a moment later we return to reason with just as logical that "in theory" he had said he wanted to leave, and then see the same people here refer to the same speeches and the same promises, all alone, and especially define operational procedures and strategies to reassure everyone the " place in the sun" (for themselves, not the city).

If IDV was born in Capua, and if I gave my approval to this project, but to say stop to this culture and malpractice and to reaffirm strongly that we need a true renewal, which is a renewal of individuals and methods of administering and managing public affairs.

for this to happen, it is essential to find within themselves a renewed sense of citizenship because each of us is the "first citizen "... and not only that we are going to elect the Mayor.
Nicholas Scalera
Commissioner Citizen Circle IDV Capua

Nicholas Scalera was born February 10, 1963 in Capua, where he lives with his wife and three children.
He graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Naples in 1988 and has work experience at Italel Telematics (S. Maria CV), Space Controls (USA) and Alenia Spazio (Rome), where currently holds the role of manager on projects for satellite navigation.
Since 2005 collaborates with the Socio-Political Movement CAPUATTIVA, which is a member of the board and the secretariat. Articles and proposals for the city are also on his blog:

Essay About Surveillance Cameras In School

... ... Free Mario

Capua Freedom is a project for the political rebirth of the city , against the political class that has governed badly in recent years and has incurred debts so inefficient, with the risk of cutting the city's economic development in the years to come.

should instead caution and transparency in investment and exploitation of local human resources, often denigrated by "potential import" suggested by powerful politicians in office. E 'firm opposition to the sale of Capua and the protection of the dignity and decorum of the citizens who are sons of Capuani Fieramosca and Pulcinella.

The decision to support the candidacy of Dr. Paternuosto has sprung from the full sharing of the political project promoted dall'IDV.

The project represents offer a new policy that is based on core assets on a reform agenda, which is its only boundary. Capua Freedom was created to give hope for the future and the alternative to build and is open to dialogue and confrontation with the political forces that pursue a real renewal. The next day, which outlines the postantropolismo, not far away. With this certainty, Free Capua, with the sign referred to Fieramosca, falls in the electoral arena.

Free Capua is equidistant from the parties with the exception of IDV that is an ally in freedom and autonomy.

for proposals, advice or just to talk about the next administration:

Wedding Invitation Material In Hindi

Paternuosto, our candidate for Mayor

IDV The next local elections to support the candidacy of Dr. Mario Paternuosto Mayor of Capua .

It 's a job of weight from both the political and social terms, since the doctor Paternuosto a respected professional, Head of Department and Head of Gastroenterology, as well as city councilor in the town of Marcianise altitude IDV.

The highest priority will be to promote a new political offer an alternative to the current majority, working synergistically with those who move within the horizon of post-anthropologists for the rebirth of a city in decline, because abandoned households and firms due to lack of opportunity and investment, lived poorly by residents about the lack of services, experienced hurt the elderly and the disabled, abandoned by young people for lack of work and future. Around the mayoral candidate Dr. Mario Paternuosto are coagulating all the healthy forces of the city to promote a political agenda in the name of transparency and legality, viable in a shared with those who truly believe in a real change of politics Capua.

The Dr. Mario Paternuosto lives in Capua, more precisely in Sant'Angelo in Formis. Estimated professional, is Chief of Gastroenterology at the Hospital of Marcianise. Married with a son, Raphael, engineering student, was fascinated by the figure of the former PM of clean hands, Antonio Di Pietro, joining active politics nell'IDV. He is currently a city councilor in share IDV Marcianise.

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Virtuosi ... but seriously!

In the Association of Municipalities Virtuosi are, to date, only three municipalities
of Campania Camigliano (EC), Castelnuovo Cilento (SA) and Torraca (SA).

To be a "virtuous" a municipality must place on site projects in five target areas: land management, municipal ecological footprint of the machine, waste, mobility and new lifestyles. All things that are missing altogether in the practices of the incumbent.

There seem risky "self-appointed" themselves and our community, "virtuous" just because you printed a sign and "self-certified" worth "46% for recycling"!

urge instead a round table where the plans and projects for the City to be made public and "transparent" since their early stages is not always having to chase "trouble" already made and cry over spilled milk .

It 'clear that we now live in a city where the living is at its lowest, in which the municipal property is "sold out" to the current case. The floor of the parking "private" citizens, public green areas in abandoned and, beside them, the provision of playground equipment for a fee, the lack of projects and job prospects for young people are among the emergencies that are addressed immediately.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Shota 3d

At the heart of the problems ...

To understand the problems we must aim at the heart of them and not to "distract" from other speeches.

This principle also applies to the dismantling of the former CAPS (refugee camp) in progress.

The facts: some families of Romanians in recent weeks, as well as the announcement of the clearing near future, have also been made dry by the city that pulled off the water with the official reason for a loss.

The representatives of these families, assisted by its legal and responsible for Caserta 's Opera Nomadi Association were received by the Mayor that took stock of the situation.

I was present at the meeting, but not later than here in detail the varied solutions for families to find new accommodations to rent because, as I said at the beginning, I would fall into the trap of those who want to "distract" the speech trumpeting themes of safety and health conditions.

All true, all right, but not understand the "problem" if you do throw off from conversations on illegal immigration, prostitution, theft and looting by of these people.

Our Mayor forgets that perhaps we live in a province that has the highest crime rates in Europe, and this is all our local!

But come down to it, to describe what is being accessed in this area of \u200b\u200bour city: the situation of absolute emergency sanitation, and in this we can not agree with our Mayor, but it should be noted that the waste storage are not present in civilian homes, thus the result of those who lived in these years, but are repaid, for decades, resulting materials from work and were abandoned at the site without any control by the authorities. A dump of this kind does not accumulate in a month, and then there The question: where in recent years who had to watch?

said that, it should be added that today the project area and target constructions for popular residence, faded as the hypothesis of the now elusive single hospital and Santa Maria Capua CV

on this project and the ongoing demolition current ask those who minister to us:

have analyzed the alternatives for recovery of the buildings? none of which were unsafe or so decrepit as to require the demolition!

As for cost, the decision to demolish the community, going to dispose of materials and then rebuild? and for whom all this?

Personally, if I had a good, even in decay, I would try to start work on his recovery, rather than reduce it.

What To Do If A Scorpio Male Vanishes

Bulletin No. 3 (the NO Capua Free) ...

Capua Freedom Movement is a socio-political reform characterized by symbolically shield Fieramosca, nor the right nor to the left.
falls in the electoral arena to openly support a candidate for Mayor of Dr. Capua. Paternuosto, leader of the 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200b , and policies for the protection of the territory Capuano and defend the rights of its inhabitants.

1) The tasks assigned to companies and paid by outside parties capuana community;
2) The blue lines, which mainly penalize residents, college students, shopkeepers and the elderly;
3) The League's fiscal federalism, which does not reach out to those who is back, as Capua and other cities of the South;
4) For the casual rider actions and certain Catholics who defend them with a vain and amen Pilate;
5) A policy incapable of defending and enhancing the area capuano humbled by the sale of the hospital and Palasciano death of all forms of tourism, which elsewhere is the engine of socio-economic growth of the polis;
6) For a TARSU salt and unfair, not rewarded by the collection;
7) Who by His work has completely ruled out, the environmental problem and agrees with the silence of the serious sources of pollution;
8) For those who use lies as a moral law;
9) Who can not appreciate the city Capua where every stone is a monument and not a shred of puffins;
10) A voter without evaluating, if the man who is voting has interests of friends, family and "cumparielli"
11) For those who sell their votes for a fistful of dollars
12) For those who approach you with the kiss of Judas.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Los Hombres De Pako - Watch Free Online

For clarity's sake ...

In recent days, some newspapers have published local news incorrect on the issue of candidacy for mayor for the next elections. The last episode, in chronological order, is yesterday morning, when an article in the COURIER Caserta announced a "step back" from the candidate for Mayor of Dr. Capua. Mario Paternuosto in favor of an unspecified "single candidate of the center."

For clarity's sake ...
point out that Dr. Paternuosto is and will be the nominee by the voters and the Civic List IDV "Free Capua, allied with us in freedom and autonomy.

The application we propose to voters is a candidate in the weight is politically and in terms social, as Dr. Paternuosto a respected professional, leader and Head Department of Gastroenterology, as well as city councilor in the town of Marcianise share in IDV. The application, proposed by the city of Circle IDV, has been shared and is also supported by the provincial bodies and the highest levels of the party.

With this clarified, and consider the matter closed.

We would finally clarify the priorities that the Circle of IVD has assigned its inception last month, are linked to problems facing our city, which is now the minimum history of living and future prospects for young people. This is the result of five years of directors who "shine" for an exaggerated activism but, alas, even for an equally extreme lack of transparency in its work.

On the contrary, all the projects that IDV is proposing for the city share the following

- a non-negotiable impartiality (all citizens have equal rights and duties) ...

- a non-negotiable transparency (if you work something for the common good and for the good of the city there is no reason not to make public its actions).

around the mayoral candidate for this we are collecting all the healthy forces of the city to promote a political agenda in the name of TRANSPARENCY and LEGALITY ', viable in a shared with those who truly believe a real change in policy Capua.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Competitor Analysis Beauty Salon


For the second time, last year in Jinan is not text, I was downtown and I do not like living out of God's grace, the Lantern Festival (fifteenth day of the first month of the new year) marks the gradual return to life. In the days before the course, here tomorrow and next week in Yaoke Nanguang, people at the table are increased exponentially by the day, a week ago there have been three people yesterday and it was almost hard to find a seat , have opened shops on campus, every trip by subway car door for new students, trolley in hand, prepare to face the new semester. I returned the key to room 203, as in mine, 230, it seems that solar panels have begun again to do their job: welcome hot water. The forecast promises good things, no longer a cold Barbini and it seems that I should not use the air conditioner to more simple matters of survival but just to give that extra comfort you just wake up or before going to bed. It begins again. After the lesson

afternoon I went for a ride to the Temple of Confucius, there was also the first day of the year again to enjoy the stream of people ... the day after the feast of the lanterns did not disappoint the expectations, people everywhere. Among those who snapped a skewer of meat or a fried stinky tofu Cubeta and that was taking a photo I remember you could see the lanterns hung here and there.
We also decided that the food factor is of prime importance and we have eaten in this order: fish-flavored pellets, known as "the de'noantri takoyaki" (cost: Yuan 5x2), double Big Mac menu (for 巨无霸friends) McDonald's (23x2 yuan), kebabs (skewers yuan 10 = 5) and varied assortment of kebabs "malatang (麻辣烫, again for the aficionados, 20 yuan in total). Of course, not everything in a row, but walking here and there to Fuzimiao / 夫子庙, the famous temple of the above. And, having to improvise food critic, I must say that although I had come a few days ago pruritino the fast food (a lesson I had been talking about the 280, I checked the Italian site and I'd like to try the 1955 ... I was disappointed. The choice is limited to the Big Mac hamburger and the double cheeseburger, the other 4 or 5 are chicken leg, chicken leg spicy chicken breast, chicken thigh with a pike jump etc etc.. meh. But something has changed in the meantime: that life will be in Nanjing is more expensive than dinner Italy Hello from me 300erotti yuan has cost, but once considered the McDonald's a thief, 23 yuan for a menu ... heresy! I once thought c'avrei ate a week (the equation remains true to 50% when I eat at the table) but in the end will be that these street Food in Nanjing are a bit 'pussy, but with 23 yuan is not that much more remedies. sadness.
Regardless of admission to the temple costs 40 yuan, it was a robbery and bore the inscription: Lantern Festival 2008, Fuzimiao I like it a lot: maybe a bit 'too polished to be China, but there are the streets, the temple, the river with boats lit, hordes of street food shops and knick-knacks, all or almost what I've always wanted from China. I remedied
also a stall that sold the magnets for the fridge in the shape of animals (photo), the supreme gadget that haunts our home in Napule, 3 for ten yuan, not contracted, if you try to say "I'll give you ten yuan but maybe I do the four "(something which I think takes place in 99% of cases, c'avranno tried all that no matter how much something costs will still be the national sport to try to bring home a little more for something less) when you go to meet, making you lose a little 'taste for melodrama Neapolitan usually always follows the launch of this magical ritual courtship of China. After losing at least ten minutes to prepare the combinations of the three that I preferred, other facts I have five minutes of the road (that delightful coincidence!) found ten more stalls sales, including fridge magnets for aragostiformi big as lobsters, and not only will you place a solves the fridge, but the entire kitchen! Magic spread of the stalls, what censis would call the "patchy", same with the cigarettes: tobacco ten laps and nobody has the "lesser panda", then when you finally find them you realize that in the alley in a hundred meters have it in three. meh.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Whats Difference Between Minohd And Ultrahd

Bulletin No. 2 (Waste, it would be clear) ...

Talk about waste and should not be discounted, repetitive or destructive ONLY NOT easy.

We try ...

On TARSU bills received in recent days has not yet calmed the uproar and we, as the majority of citizens want to see clearly.

They can not suffice to justify the "Pontius Pilate" by those who administer the City and "washes his hands" downloading fault or responsibility at higher levels (provincial) without any action to protect " its "citizens.

We do not want to associate " critical regardless "Instead we want to understand and analyze the problem" by the citizen ", as it has always been our style.

According to you, the citizen Capuano, who for years has been trained and guided by the hand make the collection today, what can think of? especially after his Chief Councillor congratulated him and at the same time, it was autoincensato for " excellent results of the diversified ?

The citizen might ask: if the results were good? I have worked as though you asked me, my director, because now I increases the rate of 20% ?
Again, the alibi of the greater weight due only to the provincial administration while holding little the other is VERY VERY worrying.

We must point out fact that the notorious Law 26/2010, the one in whose name this past August was deposed from his role as Mayor of Camigliano friend Vincenzo Cennamo, SI provides collection and disposal are (dangerously) in a single centralized management provincial, but implementation of that law was extended, because the province was not ready by January 1, 2011 January 1, 2012. Reason why the Mayor of Camigliano has in place an appeal to the Administrative Court against his dismissal. mean the start of the Law was extended, but the additional gabelle against the city begins to be felt before!

We want then to be clarified and made public URGENTLY by our directors as follows:
(1) what is the chain (ie the path) that makes the waste tax paid by citizens and that ends up in the Speaker of communism?
(2) which is the chain (again the path) that reaches the separated waste from the citizens?

(1) funds of the waste tax ... to those uses are addressed?
(2) the villages of wet and separated materials (plastic, glass, paper) if and how plants are heading Composting and Recycling Centers ?

On the latter point and we hope that you will use ONLY interpellino facilities and equipment with proven years of experience (already present on our territory) and there is no sudden solution pre-election ...

Please note that only declare growing percentage of separate waste collection has no meaning if everything is not inserted into a virtuous cycle of waste .

In particular, a director who makes you smile " proclaimed" himself and the City Virtuoso ONLY because he was "self-certified " a 46% separate collection ...
PLEASE NOTE: if a municipality is Virtuoso shall be recognized by ' National Association of Virtuosi. So far in this Association there are only three towns in Campania : Camigliano (EC), Castelnuovo Cilento (SA) and Torraca (SA).

We expect those who minister to us feels the need to clarify what we have said, in the meantime our SOME cities that are "different" ... but for the record for having the waste tax among the highest in Italy !